Tuesday 3 February 2009

With This Carrot...

...I christen you Frosty Mc Snow-Face, that's right its only ruddy snowing! Oh yes, the day you realise whether your a kid or an adult, Snow Day. In my opinion, You realise that your no longer a kid at heart when you look out the window to see the beautiful white landscape, children rolling a giant ball of snow soon to be Mrs Frost Mc Snow-Face with their parents, a robin fluttering down onto a fresh patch of snow to be scared off by a white puppy who was hidden in the snow, and extremely excited since they've never seen it before, to look down and see children falling off sledges and still laughing as they are pelted in the face with a snow ball and you see all this and think... "The A38 is going to be hellish."

I love the snow, I'm 16 and yesterday it started snowing in an A level English Lesson, Even our lecturer was excited. I bounded to the window and cried a squeal of joy. I love it, Sure its only frozen water falling from the sky, but we never have it (Granted we never have fire falling from the sky, but still) and think of all you can do with snow, Snowmen, Snowballs, Snow Angels, Snow Devils, Snow Forts, Write your name, its amazing, but still, a few flakes of snow has the country on red alert, Business shut for the day, people are stuck with their families and friends and schools close, surely one day a year of this is not a problem, surely it would do our inpatient, selfish lifestyle some good, I mean I enjoy spending time with family and friends, and to build a snow man with a long lost friend is one of the best feelings in the world! besides, do you really think that people are sitting there in their houses as someone runs in the door shaking off that flaky, whitey goodness saying that Bob The Barber's is shut, thinking "Oh no! I needed a haircut today, it cannot wait for another day, it must be" - wait this is England of course there are people doing that.

England, now we are a stupid country, as I said, A few flakes of snow and the country is in lock down, people can not move, and children are having fun, that's right, FUN! The French are laughing at us, they can handle snow, so can Switzerland and Austria, hell Even Canada is laughing at us! Canada! We are being shamed by Canada!

So as Unpredictable England’s weather is, you can never say it's boring, I mean I was outside today with some old friends and it started to hail, then snow and hail at the same time. In all fairness snow is a lot of fun, especially if you’re a kid at heart.

Later Snow Days

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