Monday 19 January 2009

The Almighty ID

Right. To clear any confusions about the title first, The ID, a psychological term, and now i know what will happen when i say who developed the idea, people will zone out, throw the concept away and press the small red x up in the corner, x or whatever macs have. So I wont say, Ill just say that the ID is not some sort of goblin, mythical beast of lore, (even though that would be awesome, and possibly dangerous) it's in fact something a lot more scary; the ID is the part of you that is with you from the moment your born, and it is that little voice in your head that is persuading you to just do it. The selfish part of your brain that is saying, eat the last cookie, your dad will never know, Pinch the girls ass, you'll never see her again or Push the Lady onto the road, shes just slowing you down.

Now, How many of you are sitting there thinking, well i would never push the old lady over, most of you? ok, but how many of you have stolen a cookie, eaten the last slice of cake, or for the healthy among you, taken the last orange? Most of you, im assuming but luckily most of you have a little thing called a Super Ego which i always thought was a funny name, since its a intensifier before the word Ego meaning a sense of self importance. anyway most of you have the "Super Ego" which is basically your moral compass, the opposite to the ID, the Super Ego tells us not what we want to do, but what we should do; for instance if you take the last cookie, is your dad going to go to work without a snack, possibly be hungry and then be angry later on, If you push the old lady, is there a chance that you will trip on her body and break your new watch that your mother brought with her own money which could have paid for the dogs hip replacement but it turns out it was cheaper just to get it put down.

Anyway all jokes aside, a lack of the Super Ego can lead to some very bad decisions and even worse consequences. For instance the Nursing Student that killed two of her class mates and then killed herself, Or the infamous Virginia Shootings, about a boy who killed 32 students and then once again turned the gun upon himself, this was classed as modern America's worst gun rampage, and there is even talk about changing weapon laws in the US, Taking away an American's right to a gun is like taking an English person's tea. Its just unheard of. And this apparently is all down the the ID.

Now I can feel what some of you are thinking, That's America, and we are in England*, they couldn't take away our tea, because it is not used enough as a deadly weapon to cause much fuss, that's beside the point. You see another psychiatrist named Milgram wanted to prove that Americans where better than the Germans (this was after WW2 and so Germans had a very bad street cred at the time. and now would be a good time to prove that they were better than the "dirty dirty Germans") so he devised an experiment where he hired an actor to pretend to be electrically shocked whenever he got an answer wrong, the "victim" would have to shock him each time he got the answer incorrect, these "shocks" went well over the healthy limit, and after 300 V the man stopped replying, even so the victim would keep going, up to and over 400 volts. as long as the man in the white coat told them to. So Britain, England, I'm sure it isn't much better looking for us. so maybe we should all just listen to our super ego's once in a while and keep the ID on the DL.

Thankyou. Later Days.
* I say this Because I am in England, I'm not trying to destroy any viewers by singling them out.

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